Apotheosis of Myth
Acrylic on canvas
120cm x 100cm

Nietzsche expressed the impact of the enlightenment on religion, especially the Christian faith when he famously stated, ‘God is Dead’.
In this work, Briggs considers that there is a basic human need for myth and that similar to the impact of the enlightenment the technological revolution has created a void and confusion with a lack of structure previously provided by religion. Romanticism developed as a reaction to the enlightenment and responded to Edmund Burke’s philosophical enquiry into the Sublime. The artist addresses these concepts that relate to Carl Jung’s, ‘The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious’.
The artist recognises and expresses this need for myth both individually and collectively. Her first encounters with art related to her belief system developed during her childhood. The process of appropriating from historical art, Paolo de Matteis’, ‘Triumph of the Immaculate’ and layering with a photographic image of her contemporary environment expresses her desire to integrate nostalgic recollections with the changing reality of the present. A sense of magic is reinstated through an investigation and appreciation of the sublime by examining that which is limitless and beyond understanding. 

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